Resignation a Foreigner as a Director

Under sec 168(1) of Companies act 2013, a director may resign from his office by issuing a notice in writing to the company. While receiving such notice, the Board should take note of the same and the company shall inform the Registrar in such manner, within such time and in such type as may be recommended and shall also put the fact of such resignation in the report of directors placed in the immediately following general meeting of the company.

On condition that a director may also forward a copy of his resignation with detailed reasons for the resignation to the Registrar within 30 days of resignation in prescribed manner if there is any.

A director can resign after giving a written notice to the company and on receipt of the notice of resignation next step would be to inform the Registrar of companies after that company will propose all the facts and reports in the following general meeting.

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Is it possible to reject the resignation of "Director" by chief managerial persons?

Under the provisions of section 168, Companies act 2013, no right has been offered to any managerial person to reject the resignation given by Directors.

What is the liability of directors during their tenure?

The Directors who has resigned shall be liable even after his resignation for the offense which took place during his tenure.