Divorce Notice:

One should be aware to produce a divorce notice to his/her spouse. This is to clarify the emotions and a platform to initiate his/her thoughts on discontinuing the relationship. A legal notice for divorce will bring in clarity to the other spouse about the future relationship which he/she want to hold.

Spouse can send a legal notification for separation to the other partner to impart his/her objective in taking legal measurements covering the marriage relationship. It is a formal communication which is the first step to break the ‘husband and wife’ connection.

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What is Alimony?

At the point when two individuals are married, they have a commitment to support one another. This doesn’t really end with a Divorce. Under the code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the privilege of support reaches out to any individual financially reliant on the marriage. This will cover accordingly the spouse, dependent children and even destitute parents.

The case of one or the other life partner relies upon the husband having adequate assets. When choosing the compensation on the provision, the court will consider the earning capability of the husband, his capacity to recover fortune and liabilities.

If either spouse is not able to pay fees for the divorce, then the spouse that earns needs to pay the charges.

Factors That Influence The Duration and Amount of Alimony

In a disputed divorce case, the alimony, its sum and term, rely on the length of the marriage. A divorce following a decade of marriage qualifies the spouse to lifetime alimony. The other essential factors are:

 1. Age of the spouse

 2. Economic condition

 3. The health of both spouse.

 4. The spouse that retains custody of the child would either pay lesser alimony or pay a greater amount while the child is a minor.

Documents Required

 1. Address proof of husband

 2. Address proof of wife

 3. Marriage certificate

 4. Four passport size photographs of the marriage of husband and wife

 5. Evidence proving spouses are living separately since more than a year

 6. Evidence relating to the failed attempts of reconciliation

 7. Income tax statements for the last 2-3 years

 8. Details of profession and present remuneration

 9. Information relating to family background

 10. Details of properties and other assets owned by the petitioner